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Thema: A Call for Help

  1. #1
    Avatar von Herr Genista
    Registriert seit
    04. 2001
    Klingenstadt Solingen.

    A Call for Help

    Dear Sir,

    I am the widow Dr. Kofi Ahmed Kwame. My late husband was the Director General of the Federal Ministry of Finance in the Ghanian Government of 1979, before the immediate past President Mr. Jerry Rawlings seized power in a military coup, and executed almost everybody in the out staked government and those that has ever served in the previous governments before that, on
    the charges of corruption/embezzlement.

    In the heat of this confusion my late husband escaped with all of us (his entire family) to a neighboring Country of Republic of Benin, where we have lived date. My dear husband died two months ago and has been buried in the city of Cotonou here in the Benin Republic. After his burial I and my first son who has just graduated from the University read through every file in his Study and in his Save.

    Shocking as we discovered in one of the files in his save that my husband lodged the sum Sixty eight million, four hundred U. S. dollars (US$68.4m) with a Security Company here in Cotonou. My son and I went to the concerned Security Company for the release of the aforementioned fund to us.To our greatest
    surprise we were told that it is true that my late husband lodged such money with them, but that there was no way they were going to release it to us, because from their records my late husband indicated that he kept the money in trust for a
    Foreign Investor. To this end, the Security Company is insisting categorically that they will release the money only to the supposed Foreign Investor.

    This is where you come in. I want you to present yourself to this Security firm as the Foreign Investor that owns this money. I also want you to see my contacting you as the fight of a desperate woman who wants to save her family. You may not understand this, but I want you to know that my late husband died in penury and that in itself left immense pains in my heart, I keep pondering why he lived a double life, not letting me or my children know about this money.

    With the Presidential By-Election held on the 28th of December 2000, the government of Mr. Jerry Rawlings has come to an end, and the President elect MR. JOHN KuFFuOR has been sworn in. Honestly, I need this money to go back to Ghana and plug my first son back into politics; I am determined to regain my
    family respect and integrity. In demonstration of my gratitude in
    anticipation of your co-operation, I am very much willing to part with 28%(twenty eight percent) of the total sum to you for helping me out.

    I found your contact in my late husband’s Study, and have the conviction of God in my heart that you will not let me down. All glory to God.

    Waiting for your immediate reply.

    Yours faithfully,

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    11. 2001
    Honestly, I need this money to go back to Ghana and plug my first son back into politics;

  3. #3
    Avatar von Herr Genista
    Registriert seit
    04. 2001
    Klingenstadt Solingen.
    Was ich Sie schon lange fragen wollte, Nudeldorf: posten Sie eigentlich aus einer Anstalt oder ist der Wirrsinn ein Kunstkonzept?

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