Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Guten Tag, ich bin der Sudan

15.08.2003, 11:50
You're Sudan!
Every time you get a headache, you reach for some aspirin, only to realize that someone destroyed it. That's just how things are going for you right now... it's hard to eat, hard to sleep, hard to not have a headache. You try to relax, but people always jump on you about something that doesn't make sense. If you were a goat, you'd be a Nubian.


Der Admiral
15.08.2003, 12:01
Oh mein Gott!
You're Vatican City!
You're pretty sure that you're infallible in all that you do or say, and it's hard to say whether you're right. You have a lot of followers, most of whom will do whatever you say without question, or line up to see you ride around in your spiffy car. Religious and reserved, you have some wisdom, but also a bit much contempt for everyone around you. You're also fabulously wealthy, no matter what you say to the contrary.

15.08.2003, 12:11
Ja, toll und ich zieh mal wieder die Arschkarte:

You're Togo!
Small, quiet, and very insecure, you could hide in just about any crowd. Even a crowd of one or two people. Even though you're virtually anonymous anywhere you go, you could have been wealthy if people hadn't mistreated you and taken your money. This is probably most of why you're insecure. But some people who study you hard think you're cute, so maybe you should try to open up a little.

emily minibar
15.08.2003, 12:16
hmm, ja.

As calm, relaxed, and removed from life as they come, you're just so chilled out, it hurts people to see you. Everyone aspires to be where you are, but most of them just can't put their stress away. Little do they know that even you sometimes have inner turmoil and struggles! For the most part, though, it's sun and fun for you, and that's the way you like it. It's just sort of hard to get things done with all that partying.


15.08.2003, 12:21
Ja bin ich denn hier der Einzige, der nicht auf Tropenwetter geklickt hat?

"Most people think you're a cold and forbidding person, but you're actually naturally warm and inviting. People just get scared off by what other people have led them to believe about you. You keep to yourself for the most part, and are pretty good at fending for yourself, especially if water's involved. More people should visit you and find out the truth."

15.08.2003, 12:27
Sobald sich hier jedenfalls Frankreich vorstellt, weiss ich, wem ich eins auf die zwoelf gebe

15.08.2003, 12:34
Immerhin, Palästina.

15.08.2003, 12:43
Dreimal getestet, immer Mexico, vielleicht hätte ich bei der Revoluzzerfrage die Wahrheit angeben sollen.

15.08.2003, 12:45
united nations. hmmm.

Most people think you're ineffective, but you are trying to completely save the world from itself, so there's always going to be a long way to go. You're always the one trying to get friends to talk to each other, enemies to talk to each other, anyone who can to just talk instead of beating each other about the head and torso. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, and you get very schizophrenic as a result. But your heart is in the right place, and sometimes also in New York.

15.08.2003, 12:48
Aha, Chile.

"You're really skinny, and kind of bumpy in frame, but you're not as rough a person as you used to be. You like long, long, long walks on the beach and avoiding having your rights violated, just like anybody else does. You're even willing to stand up to those with more power and influence than you, trying to bring them to justice. Fight the man!"

15.08.2003, 13:05
Angenehm, Brasilien.

You're Brazil!
You're athletic, charming, and probably a good dancer. Unfortunatley, you don't really mind chopping down the rain forest, and you probably consider homeless people expendable in certain circumstances. Of course, your personality is so diverse that it's hard to track down exactly what you're like. You definitely like Pele, the World Cup, and shouting "gooooal" at the top of your lungs.

15.08.2003, 13:07
Oh, schon bei einer Abweichung bin die Schweiz.

15.08.2003, 13:09
na ja, bangladesh. wo liegt bangladesh? ich habe immer gedacht, das wäre eine stadt? huch, ich kenne mich schlecht, wie es scheint.

<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/bang.gif"><br>
<font face="Georgia Ref, Verdana, Eurostile, Tahoma, Arial" size="5">You're
Bangladesh!<br><i><font size="3">Everyone else keeps eating your food, and
as a result it seems like you're starving all the time. &nbsp;Your life is just flooded
with problems, and you're pretty sure that everything would be easier if half the
people you knew just went away. &nbsp;Unfortunately, they're hungry too, so they
might go away in a way you don't want. &nbsp;George Harrison's music becoming
wildly popular may be your only hope, but even he's gone away now.</font><br><font
size="2" face="Times New Roman">Take the <a
href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/cquiz.htm">Country Quiz</a> at the <a
href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a></font></i></font></p>

15.08.2003, 13:48
You like rain on the plain, as well as interesting architecture and a diverse number of races and religions. _You like to explore a lot, but sailing, especially in large groups, never really seems to work out for you. _Beware of pirates and dictators bearing bombs. _And for heavens' sake, stop running around bulls! _It's just not safe!

ich bin SPANIEN.

15.08.2003, 13:49
Sag ich doch.

You're the United Kingdom!
You're a much weaker person than you used to be, but you still act like you did when everyone looked up to you. _Despite this, you're probably a better person than you were when you had so much power over those around you. _Though you do have a strange fascination with jewels and monarchs, which lets you play in castles, but also end up leading a sort of tabloid lifestyle. _You really like the Beatles, even more than you like Oasis.

15.08.2003, 13:50
Costa Rica. Ha!!

15.08.2003, 13:58
komisch, Jockel habe ich mir immer als Holland vorgestellt.

Reno Schmittchen
15.08.2003, 14:02
Ha, ich dümpel im Mittelmeer.

You're Cyprus!
Your parents probably had different ethnic backgrounds and now they're almost certainly divorced, or at least they argue all the time. You mostly just wish they'd leave you alone instead of using you as a pawn in their tortured conflict with each other. Instead, you've become the battleground for a fight that doesn't really feel like it's yours. You'd rather just go fishing. But that doesn't look likely in the immediate future. Just keep cooking with olive oil and you'll live longer, at least.

15.08.2003, 14:05

15.08.2003, 14:10
Das hat jetzt nichts mit jockel zu tun, aber in einer der letzten Ausgaben der Zeit gab es eine Vorurteils-Matrix der Europäer, die mich sehr zum kichern brachte, denn die Spanier sagten über die Holländer :"Wie die Deutschen, nur dicker" und das fand ich niedlich. Und ich muss auch immer noch kichern über Copi und das "Tschalp", das ist einfach gut.

15.08.2003, 14:18

You do a lot of drugs, and these have kind of distorted your view of reality, to the point that everyone looks like an enemy. You keep trying to restore order over your schizophrenic world view, but you don't even know which goal is your own and which is someone else's. You're pretty sure someone needs to be punished for all this, but who that is changes all the time. Things would be a lot better for you if you switched to coffee, or even to decaf, but all this money would be hard to give up.


15.08.2003, 14:19
Ich dachte, ICH wäre Holland. Aber:

"You're Canada!
People make fun of you a lot, but they're stupid because you've got a much better life than they do. In fact, they're probably just jealous. You believe in crazy things like human rights and health care and not dying in the streets, and you end up securing these rights for yourself and others. If it weren't for your weird affection for ice hockey, you'd be the perfect person."

Dabei geht mir Eishockey TOTAL am Pupsik vorbei.

15.08.2003, 14:19

15.08.2003, 14:19
[chypre douze points]

15.08.2003, 14:22

15.08.2003, 14:23
Jetzt bin ich plötzlich Chile! Erste Frage anders beantwortet und schon kommen interessantere Dinge zur Sprache, ob ich gerne größer wäre, etwa. oder ob Nixon oder Kissinger das größere Arschloch war.

15.08.2003, 14:26
You're Mozambique! Es wird immer verrückter...

Tristram Shandy
15.08.2003, 14:33
Tja, und ich bin SINGAPUR!

Wie unsympathisch.

You're Singapore!
You're small but well-built and people are a little afraid of you. You might even walk with a cane that people find somewhat menacing, rather than seeing it as an aid to your mobility.

You like an urban lifestyle, with little time for nature or the more rural pleasures of life. This fast-paced lifestyle suits you, and you wish everyone around you would just shape up.

Stahnkes Darm
15.08.2003, 14:45
Wer wollte mir eins auf die Glocke geben?

You're France!
Most people think you're snobby, but it's really just that you're better than everyone else. At least you're more loyal to the real language, the fine arts, and the fine wines than anyone else. You aren't worth beans in a fight, unless you're really short, but you're so good at other things that it usually doesn't matter. Some of your finest works were intended to be short-term projects.

15.08.2003, 14:47
PAFFF !!!!

15.08.2003, 22:11
Das haett ich nun wirklich nicht erwartet:

You're North Korea!
Look out! You're absolutely wacko. Completely insane. There's no telling what you're going to do, and it could make you a danger to yourself and others. People are so scared of you that they usually just cover their eyes and pretend you're not there. The main impact this has had is to make you even more scary, as you yearn for attention and contact with the outside world. Everyone just wants you to calm down.

2. Versuch: Mexico

3. Versuch: India

Der wahre rron calli
15.08.2003, 22:18
You're Egypt!
Curator of ancient mystical secrets, your life on the surface is fairly typical these days. Though you are in denial about more things than most people. Nevertheless, you're trying to convince people that you're safe despite your more volatile and unstable times that seem to be behind you. You like cats a whole lot.

Ach so.

15.08.2003, 22:25
COSTA RICA. Das kann nicht sein. Ich verabscheue tellergroße Insekten. DAS haben sie nicht abgefragt. Pah!

15.08.2003, 22:36
You're Thailand!
Calmer and more staunchly independent than almost all those around you, you have a long history of rising above adversity. Recent adversity has led to questions about your sexual promiscuity and the threat of disease, but you still manage to attract a number of tourists and admirers. And despite any setbacks, you can really cook a good meal whenever it's called for. Good enough to make people cry.

Gut genug, doch.

15.08.2003, 22:39
Tja, bei einer Frage konnte ich mich nicht präzise entscheiden ("Civil war" - oder "go with the flow" - das ist ja immer so eine Frage von Tagesflow und Aggressionsstau. Und deswegen bin ich entweder
A. Spanien oder
B. Thailand

15.08.2003, 23:13
bei mir war die umfrage nach drei mal klicken schon zu ende und ich bin südafrika. das nehm ich mal so hin.

16.08.2003, 00:20
You're China!
Big and powerful, you have a long history behind you with more good and bad than you care to remember, or are really capable of remembering. Lately, in older age, you've gotten sort of crochety and even mean-spirited. There is still a lot that's beautiful about you, but most of the focus people have when they think about you is how hard it is to work with you. There's hope that you might start opening up to people, but lots of people have bumper stickers about how much you should change.

Kein Kommentar!

James Dean Brown
16.08.2003, 02:55
You're India!
A great thinker and leader, you have a great deal of power despite being really poor. You like movies, cows, and you probably are a vegetarian and may even be a pacifist. You've probably been moving away from pacifism lately, though, as you get more and more defensive that everyone around you is trying to hurt you. How about a nice game of chess?

Was soll denn dieser Vegetarier- und Schachquatsch?

16.08.2003, 11:46
You're Vietnam!
After years of muddling through on your own, you've finally repaired yourself to a point of respectability. You would have been much better off had people you didn't like not kept insisting on spending so much time with you. But those times are fading quickly and these days you're pretty sure you won't get burned. Star power!

Tobi Wahn
16.08.2003, 12:55
Ich bin wie ingwer. Südafrika.

After almost endless suffering, you've finally freed yourself from the oppression that somehow held you back. Now your diamond in the rough is shining through, and the world can accept you for who you really are. You were trying to show who you were to the world, but they weren't interested in helping you become that until it was almost too late. Suddenly you're a very hopeful person, even if you still have some troubles.

16.08.2003, 14:03
ach gottchen...

You're Cambodia!
Life's been really rough, but it's slowly improving. You know way too much about the skeletal structure of humans, mostly from being forced to study it. This has given you a fear of many things, most especially the color red. The future has to be more promising though, and your greatest adversary can now never come back to hurt you any more.

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